September 2017 Parent Resource Message

Time Management

Please encourage your student to review the syllabus for each course and make a calendar that includes all assignment due dates, tests etc.  If your student finds it difficult to organize information, our Academic Skills Tutors can help:
First Test

The fourth and fifth weeks of the semester are ones that faculty often target for their first exam.  This means your student should be reviewing notes, reviewing the textbook, doing practice questions etc. the last week of August and first week of September. 

New students often are unsure of what they should do to prepare for college exams.  The ASU University Academic Success Program has some great resources students can use to help learn valuable skills.

Each new student also has a success coach.  Your student’s success coach will contact them several times during the semester.  Encourage your student to ask the success coach questions, especially if they are not certain about study techniques.  If your student has not connected with their assigned success coach by the send of September, we encourage your student to schedule an appointment with their coach:

ASU also has a peer coaching service:

Feedback from Faculty

Faculty often give students feedback on their academic performance after the first test has been reviewed.  The Academic Status Report (ASR) is the tool faculty use to give this feedback.  The report is noted on the student’s MyASU page with a symbol (circle with an exclamation point) next to the course.  Faculty can post ASRs for students anytime during the semester. 

It is helpful if you mention the ASR service to your student. 

If your student receives an ASR, we recommend they contact their professor immediately.  Early intervention can make a difference. 

If your student receives ASRs in several classes, please encourage them to make an academic advising appointment.